July 8th, 2006. I'm on my way to visit Beau now. Yesterday his nurse told me he'd been switched to a different mode on his ventilator. This new mode has less pressure on his lungs and basically helps him to take a breath. Now he initiates the breath and how much pressure he uses. Before the machine was breathing for him with loads of pressure. That really wasn't good for his Chronic Lung Disease, but this new setting is much better. Plus it'll help him get off the respirator and onto the CPAP sooner.
He's also been put on two diaretics that remove the extra fluid from his lungs caused by the Chronic Lung Disease. They don't act the same way the lasix did by flushing out all extra fluid. They are lung specific so we won't see a change in his appearance, only in total weight. This will also give us a better idea of his true weight and not fluid weight.
For the future, because is his lungs, we can't have unhealthy visitors. We have to be really careful who comes over and who doesn't. We can't bring him to the store with us during RSV and cold season. I hate this situation. I really do. Parents should be able to bring their babies home from the hospital and live a normal life. Not bring their babies home months after giving birth and keep them isolated all winter. It's just not fair!
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